How 90’s keep coming back in gaming.

Fabio Staiano
3 min readApr 3, 2020

Good ol’ times. Do you remember those evil party games making you hate your best friends?

That’s what we kept in mind while developing BrawlBot. Frustation, rage and a bit of revenge. The perfect recipe for an old fashioned party game. Our inspiration comes from the 90’s, starting from Crash Bash mini games, to Mario Party, to Destruction Derby and all those fancy couch games.

BrawlBot is a 2D top-down game for iOS and iPadOS, made with SpriteKit and GameplayKit.

You’ll be trapped in a deadly rumble arena with your own robot, fighting against up to three opponents. Your goal? Push them to hell, let them fall down. Last standing wins. So simple, right?

N.B. The game is in early development phase and we’re still focusing on the game mechanics, to ensure an enjoyable yet fluid experience. Visual assets are not final at all, but mainly placeholders to test it out.

Wisely choose your robot

In the main menu, you can choose your own robot, fitting your playing style and setting it up! Build it as you wish: chainsaws, cannons, flamethrowers or maybe just some flower.

Obviously you’ll have to unlock all new robots and accessories by playing and earning loot boxes. But don’t worry, it’s only aesthetic, so you won’t get frustrated due to your friend being a 24/7 grinding nerd. And remember to open those boxes, we guess you won’t find it that inspiring to get your super cool robot hiding in a box, unless you’re Solid Snake, but we guess you’re not… we guess.

Upgrades and downgrades

Just running around the arena, pushing and being pushed could be fun, but sounds boring after a while, right? Well, the arena spawns up traps and holes to avoid, but even powers. Those can get you (and the enemies, btw) bigger, smaller, faster, slower, they can make you push your enemies with more strength or they may put a time bomb on your head. Pass it to others before it’s too late!

Get into action, choose your playstyle

Once you are in the arena, your best friends instantly become your lifetime enemies, and how you want to fight them is up to you. You may choose to bull rush your enemies, gather perks so that the others will insult you heavier, be the bomberman robot and pass all the bombs to others, attract them into a soon-to-spawn hole, or you may even watch them fight between each others like dogs in a cage; some may call you a fearful rabbit, but you’ll know that others’ rage only gives strength to your soul and moreover who are they to judge!

Well, curious enough? Stay tuned to try out the game on TestFlight! In the meanwhile, you could give a look to our GitHub repo :)


What about the team? It’s three of us, passionate gamers, from the Apple Developer Academy in Naples.
Fabio Staiano
Yuri Spaziani
Tony Tresgot



Fabio Staiano

I’m a designer, but also into code. Figma Community Advocate. Teacher.